This is a copy of the lesson I, Tyronza, gave in one of the local churches this morning.
I am happy to have the opportunity of being with you today and of being in your beautiful country. The people here have been very friendly and kind to us. Thank you for asking me to speak to you this morning.
My husband, Dr. Scot Pringle, and I arrived in Papua New Guinea over a month ago. Dr. Scot is working at the hospital and we are here for our first visit of three months. I was with a group that had made arrangements to go for a hike to a waterfall. Isaiah was one of the men that guided our group. Along the way, the path was steep and difficult. He would take my hand and help me over the difficult parts and we began to share with each other that we were both part of the Nazarene Church and that we were both part of Nazarene Mission International. I have been privileged to be the NMI president at my local church for 18 years.
The NMI mission statement is "to mobilize the church through praying, discipling, giving and education." The Nazarene denomination has almost 800 career missionaries worldwide and has thousands of short and long term volunteers. NMI is the same around the world. NMI is formed to help share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ with others around the world. Three weeks ago, I attended an evening service at Immanuel Church in Kudjip. It was their time for NMI service and the Alabaster offering. Alabaster is an offering taken twice a year. The money is gathered to help buy land for churches and to help purchase the building supplies to build the church. My church at home in the US had just taken this offering. Money from Alabaster offerings are often used along with Work and Witness groups.
One of the departments of NMI is work & witness. These are groups of people that pay their own way and go for two weeks away from their homes to help other people. My church and district are able to send W&W teams to other countries to help build churches. I have been privileged and blessed to be able to go on many W&W trips. I have been seven times to Ecuador, once to Peru and once to Guam on W&W trips. Each time has been to help build a building to either train pastors or a church building. Working with the local people, getting to know them and to know that we are brothers and sisters in our love of Jesus Christ is always a special blessing. We receive a blessing from God when we are able to help local congregations build a structure for their church. Another area of NMI is Compassionate Ministries. Compassionate Ministries is a tool for the Nazarene Church to help communities that have had disasters. When there are major disasters around the world, the members of the Nazarene Church want to help. Aid is given through our denomination to help with medical supplies, food, water, and basic needs when there is a major disaster.
But giving money and helping to build churches is not enough, we have to be willing to share the truth of Jesus. In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved." Also in Acts 1:8, Jesus says, "When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." When Jesus said Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, he was talking about his village (Jerusalem), his country (Judea) and the neighboring country (Samaria) and then he says to the ends of the earth. This means that we are to share the news of Christ with our family members and our friends. We are also to share the news of salvation through Jesus Christ with our neighbors and with other villages and throughout Papua New Guinea. We want all to hear the story of forgiveness and salvation. It is only through the love of Jesus and his gift of salvation that lives can be changed. It is only through the love of Jesus that husbands can love and respect their wives as Jesus teaches. It is only through the love of Jesus that wives can love and respect their husbands. It is only through the love of Jesus that people are able to forgive each other. Jesus said in Mark 12:29-31, "The first command is: The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these." Jesus is telling each of us that we are to love and care for those around us as we would care for ourselves. We are to treat each other with love, kindness and respect. When we are able to obey Jesus in this way, then he is able to use us as Christians to show his love to others and share his salvation with them.
This is the true goal of missions, to bring the peoples of each land to Jesus; to teach people of his death for our sins, of his resurrection from the dead, and of the forgiveness he offers to those who believe in him. As a Christian, this should be the goal and mission of each one of us.
Being a part of NMI and supporting missions is an important part of who we are as Nazarenes. I encourage each of you to take an active role in reaching out to others about the love of Christ. As I leave you today, I would like to give you one more scripture, Psalm 28:6-7, "Praise the Lord! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out is songs of thanksgiving." I am truly thankful to serve a living God; a God of love and forgiveness, but also a God of holiness, who expects my obedience to his Word. This is a great honor for me and for you.
Thank you again for allowing me to speak to you, I pray God's blessings on each of you and your families.
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